Françoise Hardy - Why Even Try (A quoi ca sert)
our two hearts are the same
they could turn out untrue
we don't want to feel pain
yet maybe I love you
why even try to go away
why even try to hide away
I've got nothing to share
just this world my eyes see
but if it's pain that fear
pain lets no-one go free
why even try to steal away
why even try to run away
or to stay in your ivory tower
grow in peace like some secret flower
alone - alone
when the pain is a little less
we forget there's no happiness
alone - alone
share the stars in the sky
for they're all I can give
share these tears we must cry
if we love, if we live
why even try to stay alone
why even try to live alone
share the stars in the sky
for they're all I can give
share these tears we must cry
if we love, if we live
why even try to stay alone
why even try to live alone
alone -
Françoise Hardy - Tiny Goddess
One of Ms Hardy's hard to find early songs. There are Italian and French versions. The original is in English and was first a hit by a group called Nirvana in England
tiny goddess wrapped in lace
that certain smile upon your face
is telling me what's to be when he leaves
in a room just five foot eight
I sit alone and I will wait
to hear from him, to wait for him to call me
don't let him humour me
with letters I won't read
please sympathise with me
if only you could speak
photograph that's in my case
will travel with me every place
reminding me
what to be for his love
orchards smell of sweet perfume
the mountainside is now in bloom
and I am here
waiting for his company
don't let him humour me
with letters I won't read
the clock's at half past three
it's stopped awake like me
tiny goddess wrapped in lace
that certain smile upon your face
is telling me what's to be when he leaves
in a room just five foot eight
I sit alone and I will wait
to hear from him, to wait for him to call me
Sweet Françoise 2
Here's a pics collection. She's singing a song written by her husband Jacques Dutronc : "Le temps de l'amour".
C'est le temps de l'amour
Le temps des copains
et de l'aventure
Quand le temps va et vient
On ne pense à rien
Malgré ses blessures
Car le temps de l'amour
C'est long et c'est court
Ca dure toujours
On s'en souvient.
On se dit qu'à vingt ans
On est les rois du monde
Et qu'éternellement
Il y aura dans nos yeux
Tout le ciel bleu
C'est le temps de l'amour
Le temps des copains
et de l'aventure
Quand le temps va et vient
On ne pense à rien
Malgré ses blessures
Car le temps de l'amour
Ca vous met au coeur
Beaucoup de chaleur
Et de bonheur.
Un beau jour c'est l'amour
Et le coeur bat plus vite
Car la vie suit son cours
Et l'on est tout heureux
D'être amoureux.
C'est le temps de l'amour
Le temps des copains
et de l'aventure
Quand le temps va et vient
On ne pense à rien
Malgré ses blessures
Car le temps de l'amour
C'est long et c'est court
Ca dure toujours
On s'en souvient
On s'en souvient
On s'en souvient
On s'en souvient
Francoise Hardy - Francoise Hardy 1962-1966
2.Ton meilleur ami (1962) (2:10)
3.C'est a l'amour auquel je pense (1962) (3:13)
4.Va pas prendre un tambour (1963) (2:48)
5.Comme tant d'autres (1963) (2:34)
6.J'aurais voulu (1963) (2:11)
7.L'amour d'un garcon (1963) (2:11)
8.Je n'attends plus personne (1964) (3:12)
9.Tu ne dis rien (1964) (2:16)
10.Je veux qu'il revienne (1964) (2:46)
11.La nuit est sur la ville (1964) (2:16)
12.Nous etions amies (1964) (2:44)
13.Quel mal y-a-t-il a ca (1965) (2:37)
14.Le temps des souvenirs (1965) (2:32)
15.Je changerai d'avis (Se telefonando) (1966) (2:54)
16.Je serai la pour toi (1966) (2:26)
17.Peu-etre que je t'aime (1966) (2:14)
18.Il est des choses (Ci sono cose ciu piu grandi) (1966) (2:29)
Françoise on Covers: France 1963-1

The magazine includes some black and white photographs of Françoise Hardy and Sylvie Vartan and a 4 page article about their success at 18 years of age.
France: Télé 7 jours No 147, 12 January 1963
A one page article on Françoise consulting a clairvoyant. One black & white picture.
No articles about Françoise in the magazine, although her name is mentioned in a few places.
France: Ciné Monde No 1486, 29 janvier 1963
Françoise Hardy à dix-huit ans est le phénomène de l'année. Compositeur interprète de ses chansons, elle reste d'une gentille modestie. C'est la nouvelle idole de tous les jeunes, indiscutablement. Cover picture only.
France: Capri No 85, février 1963 - 1.20FF
The magazine includes a 4 page article on Françoise Hardy with photographs.

A very short article "Françoise Hardy c'est la nouvelle idole des jeunes". 1 full page black & white picture, and 4 smaller ones.
France: Ciné Music No 2, février 1963
The magazine includes a 3 page article, with some black & white photographs.

France: Bonjour les amis No 3, February 1963
A 4 page article (4 black & white pictures) on Françoise (wearing the same awful coat as in the "Tous les garçons et les filles" clip on the swing) by Paul Kiehl. He talks about her fame, her shyness, Olympia, her earnings,... + a short interview.

France: Festival No 712, 7 February 1963
Back cover picture. One page article with 4 black & white pictures. A few minutes on the TV screen ("Toute la chanson") made her with the song Tous les garçons et les filles the revelation of 1962 and the idol of thousands of fans.
Françoise Hardy Goes Italian (1964)

1- Vorrei Essere Lei [J'aurais Voulu]
2- Se E Ma [Avec Des Si]
3- Vorrei Capirti [Saurai-Je]
4- Una Ragazza Come Le Altre [Une Fille C. Tant D'autres]
5- Stivali Di Vernice Blu [Des Bottes Rouges De Russie]
6- Per Tanto Tempo [Bien Longtemps]
7- Quelli Della Mia Eta [Tous Les Garcons Et Les Filles]
8- Oh Oh Cheri [Italian]
9- Nel Mondo Intero [Dans Le Monde Entier]
10- Lungo Il Mare [original]
11- La Tua Mano [original]
12- Non Svegliarmi Mai [original]
13- La Notte Sulla Citta [La Nuit Est Sur La Ville]
14- L'eta Dell'amore [Le Temps De L'amour]
15- L'ora Blu [L'heure Bleue]
16- L'amore Va [L'amour S'en Va]
17- La Bilancia Dell'amore [Je Ne Sais Pas Ce Que Je Veux]
18- Il Tuo Migliore Amico [Ton Meilleur Ami]
19- Il Pretesto [Comment Te Dire Adieu]
20- Il Male D'amore [A Quoi Ca Sert]
21- Il Mare, Le Stelle, Il Vento [La Mer, Les Etoiles, Et Le Vent]
22- Il Granchio [Le Crabe]
23- Gli Altri [Voila]
24- Devi Ritornare [Je Veux Qu'il Revienne]
25- E All'amore Che Penso [C'est A L'amour Auquel Je Pense]
26- I Sentimenti [Et Meme]
27- Ci Sono Cose Più Grandi [original]
28- Ci Sto [J'suis D'accord]
29- Il Ragazzo Della Via Gluck [original]
30- Parlami Di Te [Parlez Moi De Lui]
31- Il Saluto Del Mattino [Le Premier Bonheiur Du Jour]
32- Parlami Di Te [Parlez Moi De Lui]
Françoise Hardy - Interview
This is an early interview,recorded in her small flat where she lived in Paris at the age of 19.
Bookshelf: Le Desespoir des Singes et Autres Bagatelles
ISBN-10: 222111163X
ISBN-13: 978-2221111635
Présentation de l'éditeur
Icône de la chanson française, Françoise Hardy livre ses Mémoires.
« Elle a l'expression immobile des gens qui ont beaucoup voyagé, sans croire au changement, et beaucoup aimé, sans renoncer à leur solitude. Elle sourit au ralenti comme dans un rêve et ce sourire ajoute on ne sait quelle mélancolie à ce visage lointain, trop précis pour le brouillard, mais trop fragile pour le soleil », a écrit de Françoise Hardy, dès ses débuts, le grand poète surréaliste Georges Henein. Quarante-cinq ans de carrière rendent justice au don visionnaire du poète.
Voix aérienne, silhouette élancée, d une beauté entière, Françoise Hardy a marqué plusieurs générations, depuis son premier succès, à l âge de dix-huit ans, pour « Tous les garçons et les filles », un disque sorti en 1962. Chanteurs, compositeurs, metteurs en scène, dessinateurs, couturiers, écrivains, tous ont été inspirés par sa présence singulière. Après son dernier disque, Parenthèses, Françoise Hardy a voulu mettre noir sur blanc le récit de sa vie, et exposer, pour la première fois, certaines histoires restées dans les marges de ses souvenirs... Enfant du baby-boom, grandi dans un milieu familial complexe, Françoise Hardy reste le symbole de l accession à la liberté pour toute sa génération, en compagnie de Johnny Hallyday, Sylvie Vartan ou des Rolling Stones, dont elle parle, entre autres, avec un regard complice un regard sans complaisance. Rien n est caché de ses amours avec Jean-Marie Périer, puis avec son mari, Jacques Dutronc. Au fil des pages, on croise ceux qui ont compté le plus à ses yeux : Serge Gainsbourg, Emmanuel Berl, Salvador Dalí, Michel Berger, Patrick Modiano, Étienne Daho, John Frankenheimer, France Gall, Benjamin Biolay, Hélène Grimaud ou Michel Houellebecq. Françoise Hardy revient aussi sur ses albums, ses chansons, ses collaborations avec Georges Brassens, Gabriel Yared, Alain Bashung, le groupe Blur, ou encore son fils, Thomas.
Mieux qu un récit de souvenirs, une traversée des apparences qui a le mérite de dire les choses au plus près des émotions ressenties, sans impudeur, pour mieux dégager, au travers de chaque expérience, ce qui a compté, ce qui mérite d être ressaisi. Un livre qui est aussi une quête de perfection, avec une question : comment, à travers drames et bonheurs, faire de sa vie une uvre ?

Françoise Hardy - Des Ronds Dans l'Eau
Françoise Hardy chante Des Ronds Dans l'Eau
(Paroles: Pierre Barouh / Musique: Raymond Le Sénéchal 1970)
Tu commença ta vie tout au bord d'un ruisseau tu vécus de ces bruits qui courent dans les roseaux qui montent des chemins que filtrent les taillis les ailes du moulin les cloches de midi soulignant d'un sourire la chanson d'un oiseau tu prenais des plaisirs à faire des ronds dans l'eau aujourd'hui tu ballottes dans des eaux moins tranquilles tu t'acharnes et tu flottes mais l'amour, où est-il ? l'ambition a des lois l'ambition est un culte tu voudrais que ta voix domine le tumulte tu voudrais que l'on t'aime un peu comme un héros mais qui saurait quand même faire des ronds dans l'eau s'il y a tous ces témoins que tu veux dans ton dos dis-toi qu'ils pourraient bien devant tes ronds dans l'eau te prendre pour l'idiot l'idiot de ton village qui lui est resté là pour faire des ronds dans l'eau pour faire des ronds dans l'eau
Françoise Hardy - L'Amitié (1965)
Françoise on Covers: France 1962

A 1 page article with 1 black & white picure of Françoise, celebrating the sale of 200,000 copies of Françoise's first 45 EP "Tous les garçons et les filles", released in June 1962.
Françoise Hardy Full Movies' Partecipations List

"60/90" (1 episode, 2008)
- La taquigrafia i la Viagra (2008) TV episode (performer: "Tous les garçons et les filles")
Tatt av kvinnen (2007) (performer: "Il n'y a pas d'amour heureux")
... aka Gone with the Woman (USA: literal English title)
Françoise Hardy - Tant de belles choses (2005) (TV) (writer: "Tous les garçons et les filles") (lyrics: "Moi vouloir toi", "Tous les garçons et les filles")
"Plus belle la vie" (1 episode, 2004)
- Episode #1.48 (2004) TV episode (writer: "Tous les garçons et les filles") (performer: "Tous les garçons et les filles")
Crimen ferpecto (2004) (lyrics: "Message personnel") ("Message personnel")
... aka Crimen perfecto (Italy: DVD title)
... aka El Crimen Perfecto (The Perfect Crime) (USA)
... aka Ferpect Crime (International: English title)
The Statement (2003) (writer: "Tous les garçons et les filles") (performer: "Tous les garçons et les filles", "Le premier bonheur du jour")
... aka Crimes contre l'humanité (France)
The Dreamers (2003) (writer: "Tous les garçons et les filles" (1962)) (performer: "Tous les garçons et les filles" (1962))
... aka Innocents (France)
... aka The dreamers - I sognatori (Italy)
Invasions barbares, Les (2003) (performer: "L'amitié")
... aka The Barbarian Invasions (International: English title) (USA)
... aka Invasion of the Barbarians (International: English title)
Ricordati di me (2003) (performer: "Des ronds dans l'eau")
... aka Remember Me (International: English title)
... aka Remember Me, My Love (USA)
... aka Souviens-toi de moi (France)
8 femmes (2002) (music: "Message personnel" (Personal message)) (lyrics: "Message personnel" (Personal message))
... aka 8 Women (International: English title)
... aka 8 donne e un mistero (Italy)
Some Voices (2000) (performer: "Il Ragazzo Della Via Gluck")
Gouttes d'eau sur pierres brûlantes (2000) ("Träume")
... aka Water Drops on Burning Rocks (International: English title)
Vénus beauté (institut) (1999) (performer: "Le premier bonheur du jour")
... aka Venus Beauty Institute (USA: literal English title)
... aka Venus Beauty Salon (UK)
The Misadventures of Margaret (1998) (writer: "Find Me a Boy") (performer: "Find Me a Boy") ("Find Me a Boy")
... aka Folies de Margaret, Les (France)
Metroland (1997) (performer: "Tous Les Garçons Et Les Filles" (1962)) ("Tous Les Garçons Et Les Filles" (1962))
... aka Metroland (Spain)
"Champs-Elysées" (1 episode, 1989)
- Episode dated 23 September 1989 (1989) TV episode (performer: "That'll be the day")
Parapluie des vedettes, Le (1967) (TV) (performer: "La maison où j'ai grandi")
"Age tendre et tête de bois" (1 episode, 1964)
- Episode dated 13 May 1964 (1964) TV episode (performer: "Pourtant tu m'aimes", "Jaloux", "Âge tendre et tête de bois")
As Actress:
Émilie jolie (1980) (TV) .... La sorcière-princesse
Colombes, Les (1972)
... aka The Doves
Lapin de Noël, Le (1967) (TV)
Grand Prix (1966) .... Lisa
Europa canta (1966) .... Singer
... aka Per un pugno di canzoni (Italy)
... aka Por un puñado de canciones (Spain)
Masculin féminin: 15 faits précis (1966) (uncredited) .... La compagne de l'officier américan
... aka Masculin, féminin (France: short title)
... aka Masculine, Feminine: In 15 Acts (International: English title: complete title)
... aka Masculine-Feminine
... aka Maskulinum - femininum (Sweden)
Une balle au coeur (1966) .... Anna
... aka A Bullet Through the Heart (International: English title)
... aka Devil at My Heels (USA)
... aka Mia sfaira stin kardia (Greece)
Altissima pressione (1965)
... aka Highest Pressure (USA)
What's New Pussycat (1965) (uncredited) .... Mayor's Secretary
... aka Quoi de neuf, Pussycat? (France)
Château en Suède (1963) .... Ophélie
... aka Castello in Svezia, Il (Italy)
... aka Nutty, Naughty Chateau (USA)
To Music Department:
Se devo essere sincera (2004) (composer: songs "In sentimenti", "Ce petit coeur" and "Voila")
Projection privée (1973) (song: "L'amour en privé")
... aka Private Projection
... aka Private Screening (UK)

As Herself:
"On n'est pas couché" .... Herself (2 episodes, 2006-2008)
- Episode dated 1 November 2008 (2008) TV episode .... Herself
- Episode #1.12 (2006) TV episode .... Herself
"Vie privée, vie publique" .... Herself (1 episode, 2008)
- Episode dated 20 October 2008 (2008) TV episode .... Herself
"Grand journal de Canal+, Le" .... Herself (2 episodes, 2004-2008)
- Episode dated 13 October 2008 (2008) TV episode .... Herself
- Episode dated 10 November 2004 (2004) TV episode .... Herself
"Vivement dimanche" .... Herself (3 episodes, 2007-2008)
- Episode dated 12 October 2008 (2008) TV episode .... Herself
- Episode dated 17 June 2007 (2007) TV episode .... Herself
- Episode dated 28 January 2007 (2007) TV episode .... Herself
Tous... pour la musique (2007) (TV) .... Herself
Symphonic show spécial Sidaction (2007) (TV) .... Herself
"Salut les Terriens" .... Herself (1 episode, 2006)
- Episode dated 16 December 2006 (2006) TV episode .... Herself
"Graffiti 60" (2005) TV mini-series .... Herself
"Gottschalk & Friends" .... Herself (1 episode, 2005)
- Starke Frauen (2005) TV episode .... Herself
Tour d'Eurovision (2005) (TV) .... Herself
Françoise Hardy - Tant de belles choses (2005) (TV) (also archive footage) .... Herself
"On a tout essayé" .... Herself (1 episode, 2004)
... aka Douze coups d'on a tout essayé, Les (France: long title)
... aka On a tout essayé et on a gardé le meilleur (France)
... aka On a tout essayé, même le prime (France)
... aka On a tout essayé, même sans le patron (France: long title)
- Episode dated 8 December 2004 (2004) TV episode .... Herself
"20h10 pétantes" .... Herself (1 episode, 2004)
... aka 19h10 pétantes (France: new title)
... aka 19h10 pétantes à Cannes (France: festival title)
... aka 19h20 pétantes à Bourges (France: festival title)
... aka Samedi pétantes (France: third season title)
... aka Vendredi pétantes (France: third season title)
- Episode dated 18 November 2004 (2004) TV episode .... Herself
"Tout le monde en parle" .... Herself (3 episodes, 2000-2004)
- Episode dated 13 November 2004 (2004) TV episode .... Herself
- Episode dated 10 May 2003 (2003) TV episode .... Herself
- Episode dated 6 May 2000 (2000) TV episode .... Herself
"On ne peut pas plaire à tout le monde" .... Herself (1 episode, 2003)
... aka O.N.P.P. (France: short title)
... aka ONPP vu de la loge (France: summer title)
... aka ONPP vu de la plage (France: summer title)
... aka ONPP vu du bocal (France: summer title)
... aka ONPP vu du désert (France: summer title)
- Episode dated 20 June 2003 (2003) TV episode .... Herself
"En aparté" .... Herself (1 episode, 2003)
- Episode dated 17 May 2003 (2003) TV episode .... Herself
"C'est au programme" .... Herself (1 episode, 2003)
- Episode dated 9 May 2003 (2003) TV episode .... Herself
"Ombre et lumière" .... Herself (1 episode, 2001)
- Episode dated 23 November 2001 (2001) TV episode .... Herself
"20 heures le journal" .... Herself - Interviewee (1 episode, 2000)
- Episode dated 1 May 2000 (2000) TV episode .... Herself - Interviewee
Salut sex! (2000) (TV) .... Herself
Immer wieder geht die Sonne auf (1999) (TV) .... Herself
"Lo + plus" .... Herself (1 episode, 1996)
- Episode dated 25 April 1996 (1996) TV episode .... Herself
De Serge Gainsbourg à Gainsbarre de 1958 - 1991 (1994) (V) .... Herself
"Champs-Elysées" .... Herself (1 episode, 1989)
- Episode dated 23 September 1989 (1989) TV episode .... Herself
"Télé Caroline" .... Herself - Guest (1 episode, 1989)
- Episode dated 31 January 1989 (1989) TV episode .... Herself - Guest
Jacques Dutronc, la nuit d'un rêveur (1982) (TV) .... Herself
Exclusif... Canada (1979) (TV) .... Herself
Spécial Ray Charles (1978) (TV) .... Herself
Si c'était à refaire (1976) .... Herself
... aka If I Had to Do It All Over Again
... aka Second Chance (UK)
"'Drehscheibe, Die'" .... Herself / ... (3 episodes, 1969-1970)
- Episode dated 25 November 1970 (1970) TV episode .... Herself
- Episode dated 27 July 1969 (1969) TV episode .... Herself
- Episode dated 25 June 1969 (1969) TV episode .... Herself/Singer
"Meine Melodie" .... Herself / ... (1 episode, 1970)
- Episode dated 1 June 1970 (1970) TV episode .... Herself/Singer
"Set 'em Up Joe" .... Herself (1 episode, 1969)
- Episode #1.4 (1969) TV episode .... Herself
Jolie poupée (1968) (TV) .... Herself
"Paris aktuell" .... Herself / ... (2 episodes, 1967-1968)
- Episode #3.1 (1968) TV episode .... Herself
- Episode #2.1 (1967) TV episode .... Singer
Monte Carlo: C'est La Rose (1968) .... Herself
"Ontdek de ster" .... Herself / ... (1 episode, 1967)
- Episode dated 1 November 1967 (1967) TV episode .... Herself/Performer
Parapluie des vedettes, Le (1967) (TV) .... Herself
"The London Palladium Show" .... Herself (1 episode, 1967)
- Episode dated 12 March 1967 (1967) TV episode .... Herself
Grand Prix: Challenge of the Champions (1966) (uncredited) .... Herself
"Top of the Pops" .... Herself (1 episode, 1965)
... aka All New Top of the Pops (UK)
... aka TOTP
- Episode dated 13 May 1965 (1965) TV episode .... Herself
"Ni figue ni raisin" .... Herself (1 episode, 1965)
- Episode #1.6 (1965) TV episode .... Herself
Questo pazzo, pazzo mondo della canzone (1965) (as François Hardy) .... Herself
Hello! Paris (1964) (TV) .... Herself
"Thank Your Lucky Stars" .... Herself (1 episode, 1964)
- Episode dated 21 November 1964 (1964) TV episode .... Herself
"Age tendre et tête de bois" .... Herself (1 episode, 1964)
- Episode dated 13 May 1964 (1964) TV episode .... Herself
"Grande farandole, La" .... Herself (2 episodes, 1964)
- Episode dated 4 May 1964 (1964) TV episode .... Herself
- Episode dated 11 April 1964 (1964) TV episode .... Herself
"Amigos del martes" .... Herself (1 episode, 1964)
... aka Amigos del lunes (Spain: new title)
- Episode dated 13 January 1964 (1964) TV episode .... Herself
Ragazzi dell'hully-gully, I (1964) .... Herself
The Eurovision Song Contest (1963) (TV) .... Monegasque entry (5th place)
"Cinq colonnes à la une" .... Herself (1 episode, 1963)
- Episode dated 1 February 1963 (1963) TV episode .... Herself
Archive Footage:
- La taquigrafia i la Viagra (2008) TV episode .... Herself
"Vivement dimanche"
- Episode dated 25 February 2007 (2007) TV episode .... Herself
"On n'est pas couché"
- Episode #1.14 (2006) TV episode .... Herself
Mamy Scopitone - L'âge d'or du clip (2005) (TV) .... Herself
Invasions barbares, Les (2003) (uncredited) .... Herself
Interview 2000

The very first condition is to be given a melody that moves me or that I really like. From that starting point begins a work that demands an intense and exhausting concentration: I really dread not to be able to get the slightest idea, the slightest valuable word, and I just can't think about anything else. I need indeed an almost total loneliness and I'm the kind to fill up a great bunch of pages before that the inspiration finally comes. I write drafts on a notepad, and when I have a first version ready, I type them on the computer.
Do you have some subscriptions for any newspapers, reviews or magazines? Do you have enough free time to read?
I have a subscription for "Les Inrockuptibles", "Studio", "Première" and "Vocable anglais". Unfortunately, except for "Vocable", half of the articles don't really interest me and I have hardly the time to read the other ones. I take some time to read rather irregularly. Recently, during a weekend when I was really exhausted to be active, I read that book - "Braban" written by Patrick Besson - that a friend offered me. And I had a burst of laughter reading every single page. I didn't know that author who has an irresistible sense of humour.
Do you spend some time watching the television? Do you have a subscription to the cable channels? Or to some satellite channels? What kind of programs most interest you?
I watch a lot of movies on the television, it's my favourite distraction. I mainly watch the cinema channels from the cable. To me, after an active day, nothing compares to laying down and watching a good old English or American movie in original version on one of these channels.
I think that you don't like going out to the movie theatres to see the new films as they are released. Do you watch a lot of recorded movies (on VHS tapes)?
I don't have enough time and energy to go out. And there are really enough good movies in original version on the television. So I can do without videotapes.
Are you an Internet addict? Do you spend a lot of time browsing and surfing? What are you attracted to?
I don't spend a lot of time browsing and surfing the net - the e-mails do require me a lot of time! -. I feel really interested in the biographical information I can find about other artists, for my astrological documentation.
Do you watch the music channels (MTV Europe, MCM,...)?
I had stopped watching them because, when I can watch, it's always the same things that are broacasted; things that bore me stiff. I had an other look recently and, unfortunately, nothing has changed. Musicwise, the only program that broadcast new and original artists is the program of Bernard Lenoir, on France Inter [laurent [ficsx22]: a huge French radio station].
We all remember the brilliant duet with Blur. Any news from Damon and his sympathetic band?
No, they are much too busy. I like them very much.
The compilations of "Francoise HARDY" are numerous. Can you tell us something about what would your ideal compilation contain? Without considering the songs that were hits and that "should be" on it just because they were hits ... and so on ... can you pick some songs that seem appropriate to help a new comer discover your world? What should he explore first?
In the songs from the past: "L'amitié", "Viens-là", "Tu ressembles à tous ceux qui ont eu du chagrin", "A quoi ça sert", "La terre"; The "La question" album. The so-called "orange" album. The song "Message personnel". Some songs written by Gabriel Yared such as "Que tu m'enterres", "Quelqu'un qui s'en va". The songs "Partir quand même", "Je suis de trop ici"; "La sieste" in its second version. The "Le danger" album. That's what first comes to my mind.
What are you listening to at the moment? Do you have some artists to suggest us?
Perry Blake, Ben Christophers, Emiliana Torrini, 2 albums of covers by Bryan Ferry and George Michael.
"La saison des pluies" means the season of the tears to you. What will be the mood of this album? Can you describe a color?
There is also "Crying in the rain", "Singing in the rain". I'm joking: it's a word that can be found in numerous songs. Moreover, I did not write most of the texts you quote. Eventually, since Virgin is not fond of "La saison des pluies", I will choose "Clair-Obscur" instead. I didn't dare, at first, because Bernard Lavilliers produced a song with the same name for Laszlo, and then titled the album with the same name. But I believe this is not important because I can prove that my song "Clair-Obscur" was written before he released the record that I mentioned.
You can't make up your mind between the "Palais des sports de Bercy" and the "Stade de France", can you? Seriously, is there any chance to see you in a small intimist place such as several FNACs? With Etienne or Olivier? Why not? [laurent [ficsx22]: The "Palais des sports de Bercy" and the "Stade de France" are two huge concert halls in Paris. The FNAC records shops in France have usually some space dedicated to small concerts or exhibitions.]
No, because I'm too old for that.
The world of the recording studios, the invasion of the computers, the digital techniques, and so on ... all this world has changed a lot. Which new techniques can bring you some satisfaction, a help in the process of recording a song?
The improvement of the quality of the sound is a source of satisfaction, but I'm kind of tired of the productions with too many programmed computer and tired of too artificial sounds.
And, on the contrary, which new constraints are difficult to cope with?
There is such a difference between the sound you hear in the studio and the result on domestic hi-fi devices, that it can lead to misjudgements in the real quality of what have been done in the studio.
The world of the records companies and the music industry have changed a lot and is turning into something always more and more commercial with short-time benefits. How you handle this situation?
Not very well: the new singers are more and more numerous and identical, such a few will survive.
Do you have projects related to astrology? Radio shows, TV shows, or articles for some newspapers... or even a book, why not?
No project for the moment, fortunately for me, because I don't know when I would have some time for it.
Which book would you suggest to somebody who doesn't know anything on the subject and who still associates astrology with a not very credible practice?
"La Condition Solaire" written by Jean-Pierre Nicola, "Pour une astrologie moderne" released through "Seuil" editions, same author. "L'astrologie Universelle", collective work, released through "Albin Michel" editions.
How is your life shared between Paris and Corsica?
I am a sedentary person and to travel make me nervous. If I were alone, I wouldn't take any holidays and would remain all the time in Paris. I go to Corsica for the summer holidays: we have a very beautiful house in a very beautiful place.
You've been living in Paris since you're a child. Which places, which parks, which monuments, which museums are your favourites? Which places would you recommend to a tourist or to a lovely couple for their very first visit in Paris?
Although I hardly walks there, I adore the old parts of Paris: the "Marais" - where Thomas lives - , the "Saint Louis" island. When I was living in the 14th arrondissement, I used to love the "Parc Montsouris" and the nearby streets. The area of "Saint Germain" is a real delight. In the 16th arrondissement, there are wonderful and extraordinary places and hamlets. The "Villa Montmorency" where Sylvie (Vartan) lives, the "Marronniers" street, the "Raynouard" street with Balzac's house.
General info about Françoise Hardy / Interview legend:
Date of Birth:
17 January 1944, Paris, France
5' 10½" (1.79 m)
Jacques Dutronc (1981 - present)
Born at 9:30pm-BST
Her son Thomas, whose father Jacques she later married, was born in 1973.
Sang the duet "Puisque vous partez en voyage" with her husband Jacques Dutronc, while her son played the guitar (2000).
Anything in common?
Françoise Hardy - La Maison Où J’ai Grandi (1966)
Francoise Hardy - En Resume (2000)

2.Le Temps De L'amour (2:25)
3.Mon Amie La Rose (2:18)
4.L'amitie (2:24)
5.All Over The World (2:31)
6.La Maison Ou J'ai Grandi (3:39)
7.Comment Te Dire Adieu ? (2:26)
8.La Question (3:02)
9.Message Personnel (4:14)
10.J'ecoute De La Musique Saoule (4:11)
11.Brouillard Dans La Rue Corvisart feat J. Dutronc (3:09)
12.Tamalou (3:54)
13.Tirez Pas Sur L'ambulance (3:41)
14.Moi Vouloir Toi (3:46)
15.VIP (3:39)
16.Partir Quand Meme (4:00)
17.La Sieste... (3:53)
18.En Resume... En Conclusion (4:40)
19.Je Ne Suis La Pour Personne (3:22)
20.Si Ca Fait Mal (4:13)
21.Revenge Of The Flowers (4:07)
Some things that people have said about Françoise Hardy
Elle tranchait avec toutes les autres souris qui défilaient dans la production des 45 tours des années 60. (She stood out clearly from the procession of young girls producing singles in the Sixties.)
Mon transistor s'illuminait quand elle passait à la radio. (My transistor lit up when she was on the radio.)
I was for a very long time passionately in love with her, as I'm sure she's guessed. Every male in the world, and a number of females also were, and we all still are.
Elle est un peu givrée, j'en suis la preuve vivante; le meilleur duo que nous avons fait c'est Thomas; ce qui compte, c'est de durer, point! (She is a little daft, I am the living proof; the best duet we have done is Thomas; what counts, is to last, not!)

Si j'avais mesuré 1m20 et pesé 100 kilos, je n'aurais certainement pas fait la même carrière.
(If I had been 4 feet tall and weighed 15 stone, I would certainly not have followed the same career.)
Malcolm McLAREN
She was the ultimate pin-up of most hip, Chelsea, beat bedroom walls, and I know for a fact, many of the groups who were notorious and slowly becoming successful, such as the Rolling Stones, Brian Jones and Mick Jagger, the Beatles, John Lennon, Paul McCartney, and many other groups all were desperately interested in having Françoise Hardy become their girlfriend in some way.
La fille idéale, belle, romantique, sexy et fière. (The ideal girl, beautiful, romantic, sexy and proud.)
Francoise Hardy - La maison ou j'ai grandi (1966)
French version of "Il ragazzo della Via Gluck" by Adriano Celentano
Françoise Hardy: The Yeh-Yeh Girl From Paris

1. Tous Les Garçons Et Les Filles - All The Boys And Girls
2. Ca A Raté (It Failed)
3. La Fille Avec Toi (The Girl With You)
4. Oh Oh Chéri
5. Le Temps De L'Amour (The Time Of Love)
6. Il Est Tout Pour Moi (He'S All For Me)
7. On Se Plait (As You Please)
8. Ton Meilleur Ami (Your Best Friend)
9. J'Ai Jeté Mon Ceour (I Threw Away My Heart)
10. Il Est Parti Un Jour (He Left One Day)
11. J'Suis D'Accord (I Agree)
12. C'Est A L'Amour Auquel Je Pense (I Think About Love)

1. Ce Petit Coeur
2. Il Se Fait Tard
3. Tout Ce Qu'On Dit
4. L'Amitié
5. En T'Attendant
6. Je T'Aime
7. Ce N'Est Pas Un Rêve
8. Quel Mal Y A T-Il A Ca
9. Tu Peux Bien
10. Le Temps Des Souvenirs
11. Je Pendais
12. Dis-Lui Non
Françoise Hardy - Find Me A Boy (1964)
This is the english version of "Tous les garcons et les filles". Released on the 1964 EP, "Francoise Hardy Sings In English". Also released on a 1965 single in the U.S., as the b-side to "Catch A Falling Star".
Find Me A Boy (1964)
So many friends that I happen to see have told me they're in love
oh how I wish it could happen to me
and I'm asking the stars up above
won't you find me a boy, just a nice looking boy
who will show me the way, who will teach me to say"I love you, yes I do",
and who'll promise me too
that he'll always be true, so that I'll never be blue
I just wish for a gentle boy
someone who's sweet and kind
just a nice sentimental boy
that's all that I'm really longing to find
so many friends that I happen to see
have been telling me all about love
oh how I wish it could happen to me
is the only thing I'm thinking of
so I'll find me a boy, just a nice looking boy
who will show me the way, who will teach me to say"I love you, yes I do",
and who'll promise me too
that he'll always be true,
so that I'll never be blue
so I'll find me a boy, just a nice looking boy
who will show me the way, who will teach me to say"I love you, yes I do", and who'll promise me too
that he'll always be true, so that I'll never be blue.
Francoise Hardy: The garden of Jane Delawnay (1972)
This is from her 1972 Album If You Listen. It was written, and the music composed by Tobias Boshell of the Trees, a British folkrock group of the time. It was first released in 1970 as part of their album, and called after the song. It's haunting and sung beautifully, though it's hardly necessary to say that. One good thing is that unlike some other of her albums from this time, it can be got readily enough from any online store.
The Garden of Jane Delawnay
The poet's voice lingers on
His words hanging in the air
The ground you walk upon
Might as well not be there
Might as well not be there
I'll take you through my dreams
Out into the darkest morning
Past the blood-filled streams
Into the garden of Jane Delawnay
Into her garden now
Through the rose if there
Don't pluck it as you pass
Or the fire will consume your hair
And your eyes will turn to glass
Your eyes will turn to glass
In the willow's shade
Don't lie to hear it weep
Or its tears of gold and jade
Will drown you as you sleep
Will drown you now
Jane Delawnay had her dreams
That she never did discover
For the flow that feeds the streams
Is the lifeblood of her lover
Is the lifeblood of her lover
And the purifying beams
Of the sun will shine here never
While the spirit of her dreams
In the garden lives forever
Lives forever now
Françoise Hardy From Wikipedia
Françoise Hardy signed her first contract with the record label Vogue in November 1961. In April 1962, shortly after finishing school, her first album Oh Oh Chéri appeared, the title song written by Johnny Hallyday's writing duo. Her own flip side of the record, "Tous Les Garçons Et Les Filles" became a success, riding the wave of Yé-yé music in France, with two million sales.
Hardy sang in French, English, Italian, Spanish, and German. In 1963 she came fifth for Monaco in the Eurovision Song Contest with "L'amour s'en va". In 1968, she was awarded the Grand Prix Du Disque of the Charles Cros Academy.
In 1981, she married her long-time companion Jacques Dutronc, with whom she had had a son, Thomas Dutronc, in 1973. In 1994, she collaborated with the British pop group Blur for their "La Comedie" version of To The End. In May 2000, she made a comeback with the album Clair Obscur. Her son played guitar and her husband sang the duet "Puisque Vous Partez En Voyage." Iggy Pop and Étienne Daho also took part. Hardy lives near Paris and Dutronc lives in Monticello, Corsica, although they remain a couple.

Influence in pop culture
Hardy is mentioned in a poem by Bob Dylan "Some other kinds of songs" on the cover of his LP "Another Side of Bob Dylan", released in 1964.
Hardy's style also influences Nicolas Ghesquière, head of the couture house, Balenciaga.
Her song "L'Amitié" plays during the end credits of Denys Arcand's The Barbarian Invasions (Les Invasions barbares) which won the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film in 2003.
In a scene from director John G. Avildsen's film Save the Tiger (1973), Jack Lemmon's character Harry Stoner makes a reference to Hardy during a melancholy telephone call to his wife.
Selected songs
"Tous les garçons et les filles" (1962)
"J'suis d'accord" (1962)
"Le temps de l'amour" (1962)
"Le premier bonheur du jour" (1963)
"L'amour s'en va" (1963)
"Only friends / Ton meilleur ami" (1964)
"Mon amie la rose" (1964)
"L'amitié" (1965)
"La maison où j'ai grandi" (1967)
"Voilà" (1967)
"Comment te dire adieu" (1968, lyrics by Serge Gainsbourg)
"Message personnel" (1973, lyrics by Michel Berger)
"J'écoute de la musique saoûle" (1978)
Selected discography
Tous les garçons et les filles (1962)
Le premier bonheur du jour (1963)
Mon amie la rose (1964)
L'amitié (1965)
Françoise Hardy in Deutschland (1965)
La maison où j'ai grandi (1966)
Françoise (1966)
Françoise Hardy in English (1966)
Ma jeunesse fout le camp (1967)
Comment te dire adieu (1968)
Françoise Hardy en Anglais (1969)
Germinal (1970)
Soleil (1970)
One-Nine-Seven-Zero (1970)
Alone (1970)
Träume (1970)
La Question (1971)
Et si je m'en vais avant toi (1972)
If You Listen (1972)
Message Personnel (1973)
Entr'acte (1974)
Star (1977)
J'écoute de la musique saoûle (1978)
Gin Tonic (1980)
À Suivre (1981)
Quelqu'un qui s'en va (1982)
Décalages (1988)
Le Danger (1996)
Clair Obscur (2000)
Ricordati di me- Des ronds dans l'eau(Soundtrack) (2003)
Tant de belles choses (2004)
(Parenthèses...) (2006)
Selected filmography
Château en Suède (1963)
What's New Pussycat? (1965, uncredited appearance in final scene)
Une Balle au Cœur (1965)
Grand Prix (1966)